Waste to Life

Waste to Life

In Abuja, Rita Idehen is cleaning up the capital of Africa’s most populous country while giving widows displaced by war and famine a new shot at life with a waste recycling enterprise.

February 7, 2023

In the capital city of Nigeria, one entrepreneur named Rita Idehen witnesses enormous amounts of solid waste in landfills being burned, releasing thousands of tonnes of carbon every year. Thankfully, she sees great potential in plastic bags and her community members to change the landscape. Through her bold initiative addressing the environment and unemployment, vulnerable women displaced by war are trained to weave plastic into goods for sale, converting waste into wealth.

Ose Oyamendan is a Nigerian-American filmmaker based between Los Angeles, Lagos, and London. He is an MFA graduate of Cinema-TV production from the University of Southern California, Los Angeles. He has won awards from a few film festivals, including Tribeca, Rome, and Houston WorldFest. His works have played at over 60 film festivals around the world, on cable, television, and streaming platforms. His debut documentary is the award-winning Other Voices (Aswat Acherim) about unlikely friends in Gaza and Sderot, the war zone of the Israeli- Palestinian conflict. He also holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Mass Communication from the University of Lagos, Nigeria. He was a Program Associate with Amnesty International where he worked extensively with the Administration, Congress, and State Department. Before a career in film, politics, and advocacy, he worked as an award-winning journalist on four continents with leading media institutions.

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